About Me

MICHELLE OLAYA. Ecuador, 1983.
Hola! I am a Ecuadorian freelance Music Photographer based in Bavaria – Germany since 2012, and living in Europe since 2001.
It was in 2007 when I started to focus more on combining my passion for music, photography and journalism, so that is how somehow XMDMXHCX PHOTOS was born.
I have cooperated and worked for several hardcore and punk bands from USA and Europe, as well as international press and working as official photographer for  THE SOUND OF REVOLUTION FESTIVAL in The Netherlands from 2016 - 2019.

In Summer 2015 I published my first photo book called THE BLOOD AND THE SWEAT, which gathers hundreds of photographs of shows and tattoos related to the hardcore and punk scene. Also released other stuff like fanzines and a photo fanzine called THE GIRLS HAVE THEIR SAY which focus on participation of female and queer people in the hardcore and punk scene on and behind the stage.

If you would like to count with me for any photo work or any project just let me know, it would be a pleasure cooperate with you!

Michelle Olaya PHOTOGraphy
Zum Sportpark 4, 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Deutschland.
Phone: +49-1637280482, Email: [email protected]
Ust.-IdNr: 79 351 402 062 _  Betriebs Nr. 36894,

NOTE: share alike is appreciated but DO NOT REPRODUCE on any printed and/or profitable way any photographs of this website or sites related to Michelle Olaya’s authorship. Misuse of any of photograph is a violation of copyright and it will represent to pay a bill (per photo misused) and legal actions. If you want use any photo for printing/reproduction, please get in contact first.